August Wrap Up

This was a great reading month for me. When I did my TBR for the month, I didn’t account for the books that I would have to read for my college classes and I happen to be taking a Harry Potter class. Yes you read that right! HARRY POTTER!!!! I get to take a class about a series that I have loved since I was in grade school and I get credit for it. So far it has been a very easy, I might do a whole post about the class or a few posts about it to give updates about topics that are covered.

Any who, let us get into the books that I finished this month. As I said before, it was a pretty good reading month (for me at least.)


I finally finished A Second Spring Brings New Hope. I was sent this book to review, but I have yet to do a review on it, which will be coming here soon. This story is about an executive, Avantika,  that falls in love with one of her employees, Rohan who is a bit younger than her,  but there are things that get in the way of their love in the beginning. They loose contact for a while, when he goes to work somewhere else, bu then he comes back. They finally get together at a conference they are both attending. But the morning after their hook up, he gets a message that changes everything and they do not see each other again for years. They do eventually meet up again in The United States and after  health scare they get together again finally.

I wouldn’t suggest reading this book. I didn’t like the flow of the story, it was really slow and the plot skipped around too much for me to enjoy it. It wasn’t written very well.


The Wrath and the Dawn was the second book that I read this month. I had a few credits on my audible account and I was going to Sturgis, South Dakota for the bike rally and I really wanted to have something to listen to on my way up there. It was an 8 hour dive after all and I can only listen to my husbands music choices for so long. I did do a review on this book, so if you are interested in what this book is about. I will tell you that this book was really good. It kept me wanting to keep listening to it and I was a little hard to communicate with while I was listening to it. So if you have a lot of time and get sucked into a book easily, then this is a good book for you to read!


Bourbon Kings

The Bourbon Kings came out last month and I saw it in a few stores, so I thought that I would listen to it on my audible app also. I am going to be doing a review on this book very soon.  I am a little behind on my reviews right now, so bear with me. This book follows a family that is the owners of the Biggest Bourbon company in the United states.They are rich and scandalous and they have a father who is terrible. The story follows Lane and Lizzie, two lovers who allowed others to get between them in the past. When they are thrust together again, after 2 years, Lizzie tries to avoid the attraction that  has always been between them. A string of events occur that lead them together and then almost tears them apart again. Once Lizzie figures out that everything Lane is telling her is the truth and that she shouldn’t believe everything she hears, she realizes that she doesn’t want to live without him.

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Now these are the Harry Potter books that I finished this month. I read both of them in a 3 days time. I don’t feel like I really need to go over the ideas going on in this book, since most people on the planet Earth have read this series. But if you haven’t, I really suggest you go pick these up and read them. They are way better than the movies and if you haven’t seen the movies yet, read the books first. Other wise you will miss so much!

Thank you so much for reading my wrap up. It was a good month of reading for me. I will be posting my September TBR here in the next few days. I think that this will be a slower month for reading outside of the books I have to read for class. It is pretty busy reading wise the first month or so of classes, so maybe once it slows down I will have more time to read for pleasure.

Let me know what you think of these books if you have read them. If not, let me know which ones sound interesting to you and give me your thoughts on books I should put on future TBR’s.